Mints for

Mint Times are in UTC

To vote you must be logged in with Discord. You must also be verified and at least level 1 in the Radar Discord server


For what reasons might a project not be listed?

Normally we don't list projects for any of the following reasons:

  1. Derivative of another project
  2. Botting project (i.e. mint bots, sniping tools, etc)
  3. Twitter followers or Discord members look botted
  4. Number of people online in Discord is concerningly low
  5. Degen Mints
  6. Gambling/casino projects at our discretion
  7. Relaunch due to poor sales the first time

How can I get my project featured in the Daily Mint Polls?

To be considered for listing in the poll, please contact HoTsAuCe#7292 on Discord

How can I become eligible to vote for upcoming mints?

To be eligible to vote you must be in the NFT Radar Discord server, verify when you join and then reach level 1. Once you have completed these requirements, simply login to this site using your Discord account and you will be able to vote

What does Lauren and HoTsAuCe indicate?

This shows whether or not Lauren and/or HoTsAuCe are minting a certain project. Red means no, green means yes. This is NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE and should not be taken as such.