Pop Headz

The name says it all

Cover Image for Pop Headz

Will Mint: Yes

Pop Headz

Mint Price
WL Mint Price
Mint Time


Pop Headz is an art-focused project looking to establish itself as a notable brand on Solana. While there is currently no roadmap, they do plan on releasing one upon completion of their website.


Pop Headz is delivering some of the most unique art that we've ever seen on Solana. With an art team led by Joyce Liu and Daniel Chang, the original style of art is something that is sure to stand out amongst the crowd. There are also some animated NFTs within the collection to bring some extra flare to the table.

What makes these really pop, no pun intended, is the vibrant colors that they use. While we haven't really had any good floating head art before, the colors of the attributes really bring it all to life. They've brought in members of the NFT community (myself included) to help QA every NFT generation to ensure the asset combinations work well together. As someone seeing this art before the general public, it's clear that Pop Headz is taking their art seriously and meticulously making sure each NFT in the collection is pixel-perfect.


The Pop Headz team consists of five official members at the moment. Three artists, one developer and one community/project manager.

Daniel Chang - Lead artist and creator of Pop Headz

Joyce Liu - Lead artist and established 1/1 artist on Solana

Toney - Lead animator for the Pop Headz animated NFTs within the collection

Jacheng - Developer for Pop Headz. Also a dev/technical architect for The Wind DAO

Erick a.k.a Gh0xstWriter - Voice of Pop Headz. Community & Project Manager


PopHeadz, first and foremost, is an art project with the goal to create a brand. The art is good enough to provide value off that alone. Any roadmap items or utility that gets added along the way would be an extra benefit. However, the roadmap is extremely ambitious. It mentions everything from music production to video games to children's books. It's....a lot. While they aren't specifically listed as roadmap items, and are more just "wants", it's still hard to focus on what exactly it is that will happen post-mint.

I do think there will need to be some trimming down of the current plan for sure, but again, this is an art project above all else. There will be merch and things of that nature to begin building the Pop Headz brand. As long as they focus on those things as the beginning and don't get too carried away too fast, they should be okay.

Final Thoughts

Overall, I do think this project can do very well. It's top-notch art that is very marketable, and there's a solid team behind it to push it forward. We've seen art-focused projects like Critters Cult succeed recently, and we think Pop Headz will follow suit.

Given the current market conditions, it may not be as easy for Pop Headz to succeed as originally anticipated, but I do think they'll be able to overcome any temporary hiccups in the market and find longevity in the space.

I will definitely be minting when they launch on November 11th.

Disclosure: As previously stated, I've been helping with QA and have received WL prior to writing this article. I have not been compensated in any other way and my opinion of this project was not swayed by any benefits I may receive.

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