
Community management made easy

Cover Image for Subber

Will Mint: Yes


Mint Price
WL Mint Price
Mint Time


Whitelist collaborations. Wallet collection. Presales. Giveaways. Right now, we have to go to four separate places to accomplish all of those things. With Subber, we can take care of everything from within one dashboard. You don't have to use another wallet collection tool or a discord bot for giveaways. Subber has everything you need, with more features on the way.


The current NFT art is keys that come in three levels of rarity. It's safe to say that art isn't the focus of this project. However, they do plan on launching a PFP collection for holders down the road. One key = one PFP. No indication as to what those will look like at the moment, but if the project is successful, which I think it will be, we could see a top-notch artist brought in to get these completed.


There is little info available on their team from what I could find. I've asked the team for more information and will update this section accordingly if they get back to me. 

I've spoken and worked with the Subber team on behalf of Radar, including testing and feedback, and they have been a pleasure to work with. It's also pretty clear from what they have built that they are both serious about and capable of creating a product that will benefit the NFT ecosystem in the long term. 


There's no shortage of utility with this project. As I mentioned in the summary, the Subber suite of tools is quite diverse. The core component is giveaway/WL management. 

As any collab manager can tell you, having to message other collab managers and deal with running a giveaway and submitting winners can be pretty tiresome. With Subber, you don't even have to talk to another person. You can submit collaboration requests directly through Subber, which automatically creates the giveaway if the request is accepted. Once the giveaway is over, the winners will be automatically assigned a role in Discord. A wallet is submitted upfront, so there is no need to worry about collection later.

Another thing that they have implemented is presale management. Currently, most projects are using things like Helio or Crowdsurf for their presales. Again, that is no longer needed, as you can manage it all within Subber. You can do it all here, whether public presale or just gated for specific members/roles in your community.

Another vital thing to mention is the interface. It's very similar to Premint, which is a similar tool used on ETH. With plans to expand to ETH for Subber, a familiar interface could help onboard users from ETH over to SOL. The less change they have to experience when they come over, the easier it will be to keep them here.

Final Thoughts

Given how many projects either claim utility or attempt to build utility, Subber delivers. I've been using the product for months and will continue to do so post-mint. 

My only concern is the key art and 10K supply. As I mentioned, nobody will rock a key PFP. Additionally, the Claynosaurz mint is the day after Subber. They are also a 10K supply, and the price is 8-10 SOL, so the amount of liquidity going towards that will be high.

It is worth noting that they've sold approximately 3,000 NFTs in presale, most for 2 SOL, with the rest at 2.3 SOL. RadarDAO still has some spots available at 2 SOL at the time of writing this.

I'm rooting for Subber to succeed and hope to help them develop further along the way.

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